Buying a text ad on Chatbot Hub offers text ads on all pages of the site. The ads are located on the left hand side below the "Affiliates" section. Our site draws in many people with varying interests. Your ad will receive anywhere from 20,000 to 25,000 views in the period that it is running.

New ads are placed underneath existing ads and work their way up as old ads are removed. Ads are sold by the month. Therefore, the longer you have an ad for, the higher up it will be, and the more potential clicks you can receive.

The pricing for ads is very simple. A basic link (single line long) with either the site url or site title is $3. The link line can be about 25 characters long depending on size.

You may also buy extra lines of text (up to 5) for only $1 per line. Extra lines underneath the title can fit 30 characters each.

When you send us your link, follow these guidelines and we will send you the price and a screenshot of your link for your verification. Once verified, we will bill you through paypal and your ad will begin running within 24 hours of confirmed payment.

IMPORTANT: Currently, payments are only accepted through Paypal! You may contact us monthly to renew your ad, or subscribe and be auto billed monthly. Please tell us your preference when you contact us. You may also simplify the process by getting a Paypal account here, or simply pay with a credit card.