"Fake news" is a prank script written for the sole purpose of confusing, embarrassing, and angering your friends. Simply fill out the forum below and it will create a fake news story of your choice. Our site will then e-mail your friend telling them that "a friend of theirs" found a news article and referred it to them. It then gives them the link to the fake story, which will look 100% authentic.
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We are dedicated to giving you a few good laughs at the expense of others. This script creates a fake and embarrassing news article about anyone you want. The script then e-mails the victim telling them about the news article. The victim then goes to a convincing looking news website and reads the article about themselves. The victim will then hopefully become outraged and take it out on their pet bird. Um... Just ignore that last part.

The news article does not exist on our servers. The information on how to write the article is all contained in the URL which is dynamically created when you enter the victim's info into our script. So basically, it's not us that wrote that horrible article... It was you!